(FILES) This file handout picture released in an "appel a temoins" (call for witnesses) by the French Police information service (SICOP) on November 15, 2015 shows a picture of the surviving member of the group that carried out Paris terror attacks, suspect Salah Abdeslam.
France's most watched detained and the prime suspect of the Paris attacks, Salah Abdeslam, demand the French State Council on July 27, 2016, to suspend the permanent video monitoring system of his cell that violates his basic rights, according to him. / AFP PHOTO / POLICE NATIONALE / dsk / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / POLICE NATIONALE " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Terroranklagede Salah Abdeslam vil få sin dom 23. april, opplyser domstolen i Belgia hvor han er tiltalt for drapsforsøk.
Abdeslam antas å være den eneste gjenlevende av gjerningsmennene bak terroraksjonen i Paris i november 2015.
Han og en medsammensvoren er tiltalt i Belgia for drapsforsøk på politifolk i forbindelse med pågripelsen av dem i Brussel i mars 2016. Senere vil Abdeslam bli stilt for retten i Frankrike, tiltalt for Paris-terroren som kostet 130 mennesker livet.