Audun Tjomsland (in the middle) targets his attack on Donald Trump one week before the intermediate election. Photo, NTB scanpix.

The former NRK journalist, Audun Tjomsland, plants new negative pictures of Trump in peoples’ subconsciousness with a fresh propaganda opinion for ABC nyheter, hoping to maintain the false image of the American President.

Tjomsland’s hit-piece is well planned; a former journalist and editor, he is fully aware that title and picture are essential in attempting to brainwash the sleeping Norwegian population.

The title asks: Can Trump become a fresh Hitler?

Such a comparison, followed by a small question mark, is sufficient. When the ignorant and brainwashed Norwegian reads this title on his Facebook page, Tjomsland has obtained a breakthrough with just his tiny, malicious question.

Tjomsland knows exactly what he is doing, and it is no secret that the recipe of such a hit-piece is sauced together by a hater of Trump, convinced that his task is to plant seeds of propaganda that places Donald Trump in a negative light.

That’s about all he needs to write.

For the majority of the population mostly does not read past the title. Trump and Hitler in the same sentence is consequently sufficient; during the last few years, Trump has been compared to the man connected with evil several times. Therefore, it is important to maintain this false picture with the sleeping population.

Audun Tjomsland was an ever-friendly face on the NRK Dagsrevyen throughout the years he read the «news». When the opinions are free, however, the real meaning of a «friendly face» is easily exposed. Choosing title and picture is Tjomsland’s specialist feature, acquiring a 6 in a throw of dice in the propaganda book.

The attack on Jews in Pittsburgh abused

The NRK loyal Tjomsland in his text focuses straight on the shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh last weekend, where eleven Jews were killed. He writes,

«The two shocking events; the terrorist shooting in Pittsburgh and the sending of letter bombs, have tightened the dialogue in both the news media and the social media. This has caused the public debate on the President’s attitudes and his politics to focus on whether or not one may compare the present American President, Donald Trump, to the German Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler.»

First of all, it is no «bomb» that Tjomsland does not mention that Donald Trump’s son and his wife had to be hastened to the hospital after having received a white powder by mail, sent from a fanatical left-wing extremist earlier this year.

An event that predictably was under-reported by the established press.

The mail bombs these days are quite suspect; being sent just prior to the intermediate election next week. I think that several people, also in Norway, smell the same ugly odour that concerns these mail bombs, and hat is the real chief target. That does, however, not keep the NRK loyal Tjomsland from making the most of this event and underpin his comparison to Hitler. The mail bombs could not have arrived at more convenient time.

Trump has told that the vicious and hateful coverage by the established press of him has evoked a rage in the population. Compared to their coverage of Barack Hussein Obama, there is no doubt whatsoever that the press favours the left above the conservatives.

More than half the Americans voted for Trump. He won in a just and democratic way (even having the entire press against him), however, MSM journalists have refused to accept this and are consciously unfair in their daily attacks.

It is consequently totally legitimate and correct, what Donald Trump says about the established press. Tjomsland’s and medias’ Hitler card has had its day. Their attempt at placing Trump on board the same boat with a mass murderer not only is wrong and malicious; it is an insult to all the Jews who experienced the Second World War.

In some ways, it normalises mass murder and Tjomsland contributes to remove evil from world history; just to «nail» Donald Trump. Do you not have any sense of decency, Tjomsland?

Only to be expected from an NRK man

Nowadays, Tjomsland writes for ABC nyheter. They are not in the least any better than the NRK, TV 2, Nettavisen, or anybody else hating Trump. The established press is all alike, and they have their malicious agenda that they are working to accomplish each and every day. I have underpinned this several times in Resett.

It is hard to say who is orchestrating this hateful propaganda against the President that has done so much good to his own country during the last few years. Even so, it is obvious that Trump is to be placed in the worst light possible every single day, 365 days a year.

Positive Trump news are ignored; as the recent approval rate from black Americans. Glad tidings like that the Norwegian people must not be told; then the whole narrative is crushed. True, Thor Gjermund Eriksen?

It would have been quite interesting to be a fly on the wall at the morning meetings of NRK, TV 2, or the newspaper Verdens Gang. It is really the hateful Norwegian journalists that pose the largest problem in Norway those days. Not Islam. Not Krekar. Not the theatre in Stortinget. The great danger is posed by NRK, TV 2, Dagbladet, Verdens Gang and others. Those are they who paint the worldview they want you to see every day; a painting scrupulously painted every day, aimed at the youngsters who are lead to believe that socialism and/or communism is the path to follow. Remember this.

Finally, I want to say it is a shame that the Norwegian people has been forced to pay the wages for Tjomsland during all the years he worked for NRK. After reading this utterance, it is no doubt that he is one of those who have destroyed the world-view of several old people who still believe in that which is reported in the National Collector’s Central, NRK.

  1. ABC Nyheter has no comment field. Can ABC Nyheter become like Hitler? That is a discussion we can have another time. 1-1.

Translated to English by Lars Hoem