Thousands of pages have been written, explaining and explaining away the terror that took place in the governmental block and on Utøya. No one can, however, remove the responsibility that the government ruling at the time had for the security of the Norwegian people. Those are facts that cannot in any way be questioned.
It was Jens Stoltenberg, the leader of the Labour Party, who governed Norway. It was he, being the supreme authority, who had the complete responsibility. He chose, however, to remain in office. «We will learn from this terrible act». One may ask what the Labour Party has learned today. Unfortunately, it seems, little else than blaming others.
Instead, AP and the left wing constantly grind away on the connection between 22.7 and Sylvi Listhaug. That is so debasing that one would consider it impossible to sink any deeper. The connection they made on the advice of a media consultant one late hour between the launching of the film about Utøya and Sylvi Listhaug is so speculative that there is no parallel in Norwegian politics.
But it worked; everybody swallowed the bait that was offered. And they made a Minister of Justice resign because of a picture on Facebook. That is unprecedented. Still, though, today the media and AP use this to blame Sylvi Listhaug for the event.
One would think that media would reflect the real and true events taking place. To enlighten their readers. Instead, they are a tool used to influence the opinion of the masses. And unfortunately, they hit several with NRK being a channel financed by the State.
In the light of Sylvi Listhaug’s book, «Der andre tier» («Where others remain silent»), Hadia Tajik, the deputy leader of the Labour Party, grinds away in the same conspiratory way that they have done ever since Sylvi Listhaug posted the «fatal» message on Facebook. Its content was crystal clear. It is impossible to misinterpret it in the light of the political debate that took place at Stortinget.
«We want to confiscate passports and cancel citizenship from foreign warriors and terrorists quickly and efficiently! The Labour Party will vote against this. In our struggle against terrorism, we cannot sit still and wash our hands!»
AP, Støre, Tajik, and others should show themselves to be mature and admit that this is a connection they deliberately made to overthrow Sylvi Listhaug. They should show themselves to be mature, responsible people worthy of conducting politics. Worthy of having political duties.
For, what they are doing has little to do with politics. It is a smearing aimed at overthrowing a political opponent. You are exposed, stripped naked as laughing stocks, by your actions. And you have lost any political integrity.
Translated to English by Lars Hoem