A 57-year-old år Swedish man from Skåne was very upset when noticing an ati-semitic remark form an imam last summer. Therefore, he decided to write «a speech in defense of the Jews»on Facebook. Now, however, the man is convicted for the contribution; the local court regards it as agitation against Moslems. The Swedish newspaper Fria Tider reports the issue.
In August 2017, the Swedish Internet based newspaper Nyheter Idag wrote about the senational remark from an imam in Skåne. The Moslem religious leader labelled the Jews «the progeny of apes and swine».
The convicted 57-year-old suffers great pain following a traffic accident. He told in court that he was upset by the «frequency of hatred towards the Jews everywhere».
– I wanted to protest and defend the Jews. First and foremost, I wanted to perform a defense speech for the Jews. Due to the fact that it ws a Moslem who had spoken and made me upset, I fexpressed myself the way I did, the man states.
He also expressed a critical attitude towards Islam and Moslems; he thinks they suppress women and lack respect of other religions.
– All the shit one hears of this people, simply does not suit in with my view of the Jewish people; on the contrary, it is in perfect accord with my experiences and my knowledge of the Moslems, with certain exceptions, the man wrote in his contribution.
The local Court in Lund has sentenced the man to an arbitrary sentence, encompassing 60 day fines of 130 Skr for being guilty of so-called «agitation against an ethnic group». The Court has concluded that the penalty equals 60 days in prison.
Translated to English by Lars Hoem