As Norway is nowadays exposed to a systematic jihad violence and to underpin this fact is labelled as being full of hatred, we free thinkers on the right wing are being squeezed. If we talk about the systematic violence, we are labelled hateful. And if we do nothing, we aare slowly suppressed. What are we to do, then? I see only one solution to this, becoming Christians once again!
Yes, it may seem weird. We must, however, use the means of the religious against them. They demand freedom of religion. Then, let us also become religious. We must stand as firmly on our rights as Christians as they do on theirs. We must claim the right to send our children to Christian schools. We must build Christian neighbourhoods. Christian local communities. Christian symbols everywhere. Christian customs. Crowded churches once more.
Only this way we can be certain to avoid being exposed to Islamic violence or sosialistic indoctrination, stating that violence is really enriching, and that we do not deserve anything else after being so rude throughout history.
We the secular have no concord. No organisation. They are organised through their religion. So let us follow suit. We simply have to realize that the idea of a secular society did not work. We need something spiritual to unify us. To give us back our courage. And our unity.
Secularism was a forgery. We were given expectations of freedom and plurality. Now we are, however, exposed to racism against ourselves. They posess all the advantages, because they are religiously organised. Consequently, we must be organised, too. We have no choice.
As long as we are secular, we are making ourselves into an easy prey.
Translated to English by Lars Hoem