In Norway, persons may in fact, according to the Law of Education § 4A-1, receive a refugee stipend both in primary and secondary school, as well as in the upper secondary school, if you are an international citizen who has obtained asylum in Norway and enters the Norwegian school. The earlier after arriving in Norway one begins to educate aneself, the longer one can receive a refugee stipend; talked about as «the golden stipend», worth more than 100 000 Nkr annually.
A refugee who has obtained asylum in Norway may for instance begin education within three years after arriving in Norway; he or she is then entitled to receive the golden stipend for three years. If education begins within four years after arriving in Norway, one may receive the golden stipend for two years. Regugees attending a common secondary education, which one is entitled to according to the Law of Education, they get special treatment that Norwegian pupils do not receive, as the finacial support for the refugee is made into a golden stipend.
Based on figures from the schol year 2018-2019 provides the foreign citizen who has obtained asylum in Norway as much as 108 250 Nkr annually in refugee/golden stipend.
This shows that the Members of the Stortinget treat Norwegian pupiøs differently and provide foreign citizens with special treatments who have obtained asylum in Norway. That is why I am strongly opposed to a Norwegian eductional system that does not provide Norwegian youth equal rights through equal stipends with foreign citizens who have obtained asylum in Norway.
Unfortunately, Demokratene (the Democrats) is the only political party in Norway that rejects the financial discrimination of Norwegian youths in education, who do not get the annual golden stipend of more than 100 000 Nkr like foreign citizens who have obtained asylum in Norway.
The National Insurance
Furthermore, to my mind it is highly amoral and wrong that alien people with no ties to Norway can become far better off financially than Norwegians who have paid their National Insurance throughout a long and often exhausting life. It is a big political scandal that rfugees obtaining residence in Norway, are entitled to 40 years of contribution from the National Insurance, encompassing every right from day one.
Demokratene thinks that the citizens of this country, who have tiloed and moiled, some of them injured at work; all those having done their duty, also are entitled to their rightful pensions and benefits from the National Insurance. Consequently, Demokratene will certainly continue our fight for the elderly people of Norway. They are to enjoy their many years of contribution. This discriminating policy by the Members of the Stortinget towards Norwegians through the National Insurance must be brought to an end.
In my opinion, it is crystal clear that Norwegian elderly people and women and men receiving disability benefit, deserve a far better payment from the National Insurance than refugees who have just arrived. This has to stop; an immediate shaking up is necessary. Enough is enough!
Translated to English by Lars Hoem