Member of the Swedish Parliament, Hanif Bali with Moderaterna (the Moderates), has entered into a debate in Sweden over a Somalian family living in cramped quarters in Gothenburg. The rightist politician think that the family ought not to have had so many children, being unemployed and living in a house that is unsuited to them. This is reported by the Swedish newspaper, Nyheter Idag.
The magazine Hem og Hyra («Home and Rent») was the first to mention the Somalian man and his family counting as many as eleven, two adults and nine children living in a two room flat in the second largest city of Sweden. According to the family, it is difficult to get a flat in Gothenburg while unemployed. Bali does not grasp why the man and his wife have continued having babies, in spite of the fact that none of them is employed or live in appropriate housing.
On Twitter, the outspoken, moderate politician writes that the man stepping forward in Hem og Hyra obviously lacks reason.
– Halloo, why have you continued producing offspring during these six years, being unemployed and living in inappropriate housing and apparently lacking reason?, Bali writes on early Wednesday morning.

Bali continues to mention that the family ought to afford a larger house on the rental market in Gothenburg, as a family as big as that s entitled to extremely generous subsidies; about 40.000 Nkr, according to the politician.
Some years ago, Some years ago, the Swedish newspaper, Fria Tider, estimated how much an immigration family with three children could get in social subsidies each month. They reached an amount of 21.810 Nkr. This year, Metro’s researchers conducted a fresh estimate, showing that the old one from Fria Tider was too cautious. The researchers estimated that the same family would get 24.175 Nkr each month. It is not known how much a family with nine children would get.
Translated to English by Lars Hoem