Is it difficult to grasp the hatred of the leftists and their accusations against the hateful behaviour of others? Not at all.
All rational thinkers are capable of grasping this. It is, however, difficult to think rationally, especially for leftists; their immigration policy bears witness to that, and surely their response to this contribution will be another example. And the more problems the politics leads to, not least to the children of immigrants, the more it hurts and the more difficult it is to think rationally. Why is it so?
It is so because leftists, and ever more representing traditionally conservative parties, seem to be focused on two things; to be kind (especially pretend to be so) and to be just. That is to say, kind and just.
When leftists grasp that immigrants, especially those from the Middle East and Africa, exploit our system and our welfare more than we do, exercise more physical and psychological violence against their own children than we do, and commit more criminal acts than we do, the brains of the leftists being tuned on to «kind and just», do not manage to rationally handle this.
Just thinking in the dimension of «them and us» is terrible to a leftist. All leftists do of course have rational thoughts in their brains, even if it does not always look like that; however, as rational thoughts occur and they realise that immigrants, especially from MENA, abuse trust they notice a tiny, oh, so tiny, aggression against immigrants(!). A tiny experience of deceit.
They also notice something hurting and unpleasant; the thought of them and us and the thought that we maybe, after all, are somewhat different? Oh dear. A thought as terrible as the one that women are different from men. At the least! Then, they grasp another really terrible reality; they; that is, the immigrants who violate our systems and our trust – have a dark skin (!). What the f…!?!
This is an absolutely terrible thought to leftists. They feel like extremely bad people to think so of dark skinned people, people they usually regard as pitiful, helpless, colonized and persecuted. It is completely unbearable and they do not feel as kind and just anymore. Consequently, they shut off this rational thinking as quickly as possible and emotional reasoning takes its place.
The brain tries to establish calm and balance through rationalise away statistics from Statistics Norway, and especially by moralising others. They accuse others, who are saying that which the leftists themselves are thinking but are not capable of saying, of being some bloody «hateful, xenophobic racists». They accuse others of having thought that they themselves, often quite surprisingly, find within themselves, without quite realising how to cope with them.
The leftists so dearly want to be both kind and just, especially to the immigrant children. They quite sincerely want to help, but they are incapable of doing so because they lack a rational control of their feelings. Thus the hatred of the leftists against other people occurs. They hate us for saying what they are incapable of saying; that which their own sense of justice strongly suggests that they should have said. A long time ago.
Furthermore, they hate our capability to look pat colour of skin; of understanding that this is not at all about the colour of skin; it is about the capability to connect «kind and just» to rational thinking; a prerequisite for real empathy. Hege Storhaug illustrates this in an excellent way through her own behaviour. Her empathy is real and unique. Then see the way in which she has been treated and what she has sacrificed regarding her own security and freedom. To expose oneself to something like that would have been impossible to a leftist, because their empathy is, at best, superficial; it is based on emotional thinking.
To wish for justice when the consequences of this wish makes one feel unjust, just a little bit racist, and not exactly kind, hurts. And realising that one’s political opponents in fact handle this mental feat provokes anger. Since it is difficult to be angry with oneself very long, the rage is instead directed against others, inaugurating the uncontrolled hatred of the leftists.
Translated to English by Lars Hoem