Less than two weeks before the signing, only 15 per cent of those Norwegians asked in a poll said that they knew the Migration treaty of the United Nations, which the Solberg government has decided to sign in Morocco on 10 December.
The treaty, which the Government claims is not legally binding, is still labelled a «migration treaty» that will regulate the signing nations. In addition to the USA, Australia, and Israel several European countries, among them Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, and lately Switzerland, announced that they will abstain from signing the treaty. The governmental party Fremskrittspartiet (the Norwegian Progressive Party) has claimed informal dissent in the issue. On the Government’s homepage, there is now a Norwegian translation of the treaty.
As many as 85 per cent answers in a nationwide poll conducted by Sentio on behalf of Resett, that they have not heard of Global Compact for Migration. Only 15 per cent of those asked, confirmed that they have heard about the treaty. Sentio has asked a representative selection counting 1.000 persons. The interview were undertaken during the period 20 to 26 November.

As many as 90 per cent of those younger than 30 years of age does not know about the Migration treaty, and the least ignorant ones are in the segment 30–34 years of age; still, only 19 per cent of them had heard about the treaty.
Regarding party belonging, the voters of Fremskrittspartiet are the most enlightened ones concerning the Migration treaty. 26 per cent of their voters have heard about the treaty. The voters of Senterpartiet have the least knowledge of the treaty, only 11 per cent of the voters of the Europe sceptic party has heard about the treaty.

Do you want Norway to sign the Migration treaty of the United Nations?
When asking whether or not they want Norway to sign the treaty, as many as 69 per cent answers «do not know», 23 per cent answers that they are positive to signing, and merely 8 per cent is against.

Regarding this question, there are also rather great differences among the parties. With the supporters of Sosialistisk Venstreparti, there is a large majority supporting the treaty, and as many as 36 per cent of them want the treaty to be signed. The voters of Fremskrittspartiet is the group that stands out; only 10 per cent of them wants Norway to sign the treaty.

Translated to English by Lars Hoem