Providing extra funds of 2.9 million Nkr, they have already received 2.2 million Nkr, Erna with such pocket fluff stops the protests against the Migration treaty of the United Nations. In the long run, the politicians do not even need to introduce any censorship on criticism of immigration, as stated in the treaty. That task is handled by the Antirasistisk senter (the Norwegian Centre of Anti-racism); they are professional, possessing a yearlong competence in silencing people.
If their non-democratic rhetoric does not achieve the result they want, they leave it to the violent leftists, who have recently been active and conducted no less than 13 violent attacks during a short time. Here, Erna gets her money’s worth. Mainstream media nowadays is cramped with talk about racists and Nazis partaking in the demonstrations against the Migration treaty of the United Nations.
What is conspicuous by its absence, however, is what the demonstrations are conducted against. They are more focused on who are demonstrating, talking loudly about the wrapping without caring of examining the content. 85 per cent of the population have not even heard about the Migration treaty of the United Nations.
Figures like that do not contribute to a good democratic recommendation for Erna Solberg. The issue has been kept a secret. Erna has robbed us of the right to a debate on the advantages and disadvantages of a supranational treaty on immigration. What are the consequences, are there any estimates of how many immigrants supposed to arrive in Norway, is there any budget, and what about aims, visions, and criteria for success? Or is this just another attempt at showing oneself off at the United Nations in the hope of getting appointed a top position there after retiring from politics?
The treaty was not mentioned during the election campaign, even though the voters stated that immigration was their chief concern. They were deceived at that. During the days prior to the signing, some have tried to demonstrate outside the Stortinget. Then, however, publicly financed anti-demonstrants appear, labelling anyone who disagrees with the Migration treaty of the United Nations as racists and Nazis. It is a tactical feint; almost no-one will participate, as the average bloke cannot bar the strain it takes to be exposed as a racist.
From that point of view, 2.9 million Nkr for the Antirasistisk senter is a wise political investment.
Translated to English by Lars Hoem