I en artikkel i Washington Post 21. juni om drapene på norske Maren Ueland og danske Louisa Jespersen, blir også Resett viet plass.
Segmentet om Resett baserer seg på et to timer langt intervju journalisten Greg Miller gjorde med meg i vinter. Det var fra VG-journalister han hadde fått ideen om Resett var Norges svar på Breitbart. Helt søkt er vel ikke parallellen selv om det er en del forskjeller.
At jeg skulle være mest kjent for «provokative tv-opptredener» kan vel kanskje diskuteres. Han hevder også at jeg er en «brennende Trump-supporter».
Det er Resetts beslutning om å poste stillbilder fra videoen av et av drapene samt den øvrige dekningen Washington Post fattet interesse for.
Under gjengis hele segmentet som omtaler Resett i artikkelen.
Fra Washington Post 21. Juni:
«Six days after the Morocco attack, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg urged people “not to download or spread the death video. It is the [work] of terrorists, to create fear and anxiety.” But by the time she issued that statement, on Dec. 23, vandals had posted the video to her own Facebook page multiple times.
Right-wing activists also began promoting the video — or images from it — on their own platforms. Among the most prominent was “Resett,” a Norwegian website that is the country’s closest equivalent to Breitbart in the United States.
On Dec. 20, editors at Resett pulled four gruesome images from the video and posted them to the website. There was no accompanying text other than a stark headline and a banner ad for a “Make Norway Great Again” hat.
Three days later, as Solberg made her appeal to stop the video’s spread, Resett published an article that criticized the country’s politicians and ended with a diatribe against Islam. “This is a day of anger,” the article concluded, describing Islam as a “hateful ideology that should have been on the scrap heap of history, but is unfortunately still with us. … Even here in Norway.”
Helge Luras, the founder of Resett, defended the publication of the photos as a public service — “to level the playing field” against news organizations that refused to show the pictures and politicians he believes fail to grasp the threat posed by Islam.
A former government analyst, Luras is known for provocative television appearances and his ardent support of Donald Trump. In an interview, Luras said Resett wouldn’t exist were it not for the result of the 2016 U.S. election. It has become one of Norway’s most widely read websites, sometimes approaching mainstream news organizations in reach.
“What we tell our kids in school is that Islam is like any other religion, that the prophet Muhammad is just like Jesus, a pacifist,” Luras said in an interview. “It is the opposite.” Resett published the blood-soaked images, he said, because “we need to tell people the reality of Islam.”